
The “Emballé 5.0” competition unveils its new winners

The National Packaging Council (CNE) presented the prizes for its Emballé 5.0 competition during a creative and warm ceremony on January 29, 2025 at the Paris Packaging Week trade show. A jury of professionals selected six applications that each team of students defended in front of the public in six minutes flat.

The three projects that were rewarded for highlighting the innovation of the product/packaging pair are:

Roll and Wash (IUT PEC Evreux) presented by Noa Barbary and Lucas Noel (Julien Vieillard, educational manager). This is a packaging for dishwashing liquid that encourages a new usage technique and a correct dose delivered onto the sponge. Result: a halving of product usage.

Poptimal (CEPE Angoulême) presented by Ninon Allusse, Yousra Bari and Thomas Boudigues (Jérôme Fruchard and Olivier Rampnoux, educational managers). Poptimal is a recyclable packaging for various food creams. Its airless system guarantees an optimal restitution rate, precise dosage, improved conservation. A practical solution that transforms the consumer experience while reducing food waste (photo below).

Lock Box (FS PACK Cognac) designed by Clémence Isidore Baixa, Mathilde Labat and Clara Parachini (Jérôme Fruchard and Sandrine Jutan, educational managers). Lock Box is a reusable packaging to meet the new e-commerce distribution method: lockers. Secure, traceable and washable, it reduces the overall environmental impact of this distribution method (photo below).


The “Emballé 5.0” competition unveils its new winners