PulPaper 2021 to take place alongside the chemical sector events
PulPaper is the leading international event in the forest industry’s calendar, and it will be held at Messukeskus in Helsinki on 27-29 April 2021 in cooperation with Forest Products Engineers. The leading Nordic chemical and biological event, ChemBio Finland, as well as the international chemical safety expert forum, Helsinki Chemicals Forum, will take place alongside PulPaper on 27–28 April 2021.
PulPaper will have a current, high-level conference programme, which will be carried out together with the major players of the sector. The event will also include an exhibition, free information briefings and evening entertainment.
PulPaper 2018 was a part of a cross-sectoral forest and packaging industry event that had more than 9,200 visitors from over 50 countries around the world. The upcoming PulPaper 2021 will bring together a broader range of companies and experts from different parts of the process industry by cooperating with the chemical and biotechnology industries.
- On the basis of the enthusiasm, good results and feedback from the exhibitors at 2018 PulPaper, it has been decided that the event will once again be held every three years, which is more suitable for the recurrent needs of the rapidly evolving sector. Similarly, last year's cooperation across industry boundaries was so well received that next time we want to work with chemical operators, says Antti Lindqvist, Managing Director of Forest Products Engineers.
PulPaper is a global meeting place where forest industry professionals from around the world can familiarize themselves with innovations, learn new things and network.
- The exhibitors have given good feedback about the combination of PulPaper and events of the chemical sector. Messukeskus has many good experiences of combinations of different fields and how these bring added value to the conference participants, exhibition visitors as well as companies of different fields, comments the Sales Team Manager responsible for the Pulpaper and ChemBio Finland events, Marcus Bergström, from the exhibition centre.
- The wider ensemble of the 2021 event seems rather relevant. From Sulzer's point of view, the event will have a broader and stronger coverage, as our customers belong to the fields of wood raw material -based processes, chemical industry as well as biofuels. Sulzer Pumps and Sulzer Chemtech are strong operators in these fields, says Reijo Vesala, Head of Business Segment Pulp, Paper and Board Industry, Sulzer.